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OCC Update of Changes at Senior Leadership Level


The changes highlighted below are within children’s and families services.

As Oxfordshire Parent Carers Forum (OxPCF), we are aware of the importance and trust that comes from transparent communication.

Many of you will be aware that there have been significant changes within the structure at senior level within the Children's services leadership team.

We are pleased to be able to say that, we have been provided with the opportunity to have honest and frank conversations around the communication changes which must now take place.

There is an open acknowledgement from OCC, that communication and engagement with parent carers, has not been as it should, and there is a commitment to “reframe that relationship“ through increased levels of transparent communication and changes around how information is shared.

We recently updated you on the appointment of Anne Coyle as interim Director of Children’s Services, following the resignation of Kevin Gordon, further changes have now taken place and two new colleagues have joined the leadership team in the last week.

  • Sharmain Lawrence joined the team on 13th June and has taken over as the Interim Deputy Director - Quality Assurance, Service Improvement and Provider Services.

  • Lynda Poole joined us on the 19th June, and will cover the sickness absence for Hayley Good as the Interim Deputy Director for Education.

Both Sharmain and Lynda can be contacted directly via email as below or via

As part of this new commitment from OCC to increase transparency and improve communication, we are also pleased to be able to share with you, the Children Services leadership team structure chart.

We hope that you find this information helpful and if you have any comments or feedback, this can be shared with OxPCF by emailing

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