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work with oxfordshire camhs

Over the last 3 years, we have worked closely with Oxfordshire CAMHS to provide regular feedback on the services they offer and the experience Children and Young People and their families encounter.


We have also assisted with the running of various webinars/Q&A sessions, hosted several focus groups and have provided opportunities to feedback on written materials that have been produced. 

In January 2020, we launched a survey to understand parents and young people's experiences of CAMHS in Oxfordshire.  The survey was open for 6 weeks, and we had 606 responses in total.  471 responses were from parents/parent carers, and 92 were from professionals, the remainder were from young people whom themselves had accessed CAMHS. The report from this survey can be viewed here and the response here

UPDATE: It was agreed in 2020 when we produced our first CAMHS report that a repeat survey would be carried out in the following 2 years. 


We would like to thank parent carers for continuing to support OxPCF, alongside their often challenging role in caring for their children and young people.

The very valuable role that they play in providing feedback and engaging in surveys and consultation requests, can not be over-emphasised.


We are pleased to present the results and subsequent full report, from our 2022 Survey which can be viewed below. 


The survey was analysed and the report was created by an independent professional, with no connection to either OxPCF or CAMHS.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to Dr Caroline Potter for her involvement in this project.

“I wouldn’t change you for the world, but I’ll change the world for you.”

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