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SEND Strategy and

send transformation

SEND Strategy

Oxfordshire is in the process of producing a SEND strategy.  The aim of this new strategy is to underpin the provision of services for young people in Oxfordshire with special educational needs and or disability.The process started with a ‘brainstorming day’ with professionals and parents to identify the key foundations and guiding principles of the new SEND strategy. 


Ongoing consultation with families and young people across the county will be key to creating the new strategy. replacing the 2019 consultation and draft SEND strategy.  Oxfordshire Parent Carer Forum requested a new consultation  in order to reflect more accurately the current SEND landscape in Oxfordshire and will remain actively involved throughout the process.

SEND Transformation


This piece of work is an extension of the changes needed in order to improve services in Oxfordshire following the APP (Accelerated Progress Plan)


Four separate work streams were created. Three of these work streams had parent carer participation and opportunities to feedback family experience and recommendations. 

The LA (Local Authority) were responsive to our feedback which directly influenced the structure of these three groups and the direction that they took.

One important issue for families was, that whilst a setting close to home would be preferred, it should not be seen as a priority over the most appropriate setting for the young person.  


The fourth work stream was focused on commissioning and despite repeated requests for parent representation on that group, sadly the decision remained that it should be internally managed. OxPCF SG (Steering group) representatives felt strongly that decisions around commissioning should have been informed by the families that use many of these alternative providers and services.

APP (Accelerated Progress Plan)

This is the plan which sets out how Oxfordshire County Council will address the areas which were still deemed to require improvement after the SEND Local Area Review which took place in 2019. The Department for Education formally monitor progress every 6 months and liaise regularly with officers and parents and carers, to make sure that the work is progressing well.


There is a number of governance boards which oversee the progress of all the SEND workstreams. The revised Local Area SEND Strategy will be finalised to the timeline below:











During the Local Area SEND Strategy consultation process, work will continue on the key areas outlined in SEND Transformation Project and Accelerated Progress Plan with support and involvement from parents and carers and all partner agencies. It is important that the new strategy has been effectively and fully consulted upon and that it reflects the changes needed for the post pandemic landscape for Oxfordshire’s children and families.

Boy Playing with Blocks

“I wouldn’t change you for the world, but I’ll change the world for you.”

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