Well they have said a heatwave for June !!!

Some of us will look back, over the past year and remember long days filled with sunshine and not having a fight with our child to get into school.
Others will not want to look back over the past year because it has been painful and difficult.
Whilst Zoom and Teams are still part of our lives in some ways, the biggest difference is that many of us now have to get dressed for school and work !!! The days of pyjamas on the sofa and being “still muted” are slowly fading.
However you feel about the last 15 months, there will be people who share your experiences and some who don’t.
The most important thing we can all do is acknowledge that we have lived through this time in different ways.
As we move towards summer, there is no right or wrong way to approach the changes that will hopefully return our lives to a more normal way of living.
As most children are now back in school, we hear from the families who’s children do not have a school place or a struggling to return.
We’ve heard about the mental health challenges experienced by both young people and parents. The long waiting lists for CAMHS and the families who have decided through lockdown, that they are going to home school.
There is now a far greater openness around the impact of isolation on mental health.
Many schools have brought in changes and support, to promote mental well-being in their students and we hear about excellent practice happening in some of our schools.
OxPCF have run Q&A sessions on many topics, including Anxiety and Behaviour that challenges. We have further sessions planned in partnership with SENDIASS on SEND Law and What a good EHCP looks like.
If there is a topic you would like us to cover, please get in touch.
Please use our feedback form to let us know your experiences both good and bad.
We continue to share these experiences with the professionals who make the decisions around the services provided in the county.
Your voices can help inform these decisions and without your feedback, we cannot work towards bringing about change.
Enjoy the sunshine that’s heading our way and long may it last ....
Stephanie Harrison (Co-chair of OxPCF)