Do you have any feedback on the services that a child or young person (that you are caring for) is accessing in Oxfordshire?
Please click on the link below to provide feedback if you are the parent/carer of a child or young person aged between 0 and 25 years with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) accessing services in Oxfordshire.
You are welcome to use these forms whenever you have some feedback. We will look at this regularly and feedback to the key people. All feedback will be given anonymously.
learner engagement
Learner Engagement Board
OxPCF have two parent reps that have been involved in the Learner Engagement Board. The Board which was set up was designed to become part of a forum for identifying good practice around inclusion, addressing strategic issues which arise and challenging all partners to ensure each is fulfilling their obligations. As part of their work a Learner Engagement Strategy was developed, which OxPCF commented on.
As part of this work, OxPCF were asked to provide some case studies of parent/child experiences of exclusions, including permanent, fixed term and informal exclusions. To do this we ran a survey to gather verbatim experiences, and interviewed some parents, in order to provide more in depth feed back.
Unfortunately since submitting our report to Oxfordshire County Council in July 2020, the Learner Engagement Board has not reconvened, and as such this work is currently on hold.
We continue to collect parent feedback on exclusions and if you have any feedback, please fill in our form here and evidence this through other channels such as the SEN board, our annual report and the CAMHS assurance board.
“I wouldn’t change you for the world, but I’ll change the world for you.”